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The Campus Garden is the result of student, faculty and staff efforts to help Wake Forest students better understand and influence the social, environmental, biological and political consequences of food production and consumption.  While we hope to eventually have the food grown at the Campus Garden enter the Wake Forest food chain, the project will serve many other purposes: act as an outdoor classroom for Wake Forest students, as well as local elementary and high school students; build community relationships among Wake Forest faculty, staff and students through work days and harvest celebrations; and, most immediately, partner with Campus Kitchen to provide meals prepared with the garden’s produce to the needy in our community.

Maintaining and expanding the garden requires a lot of work.  We are looking for volunteers to help in every aspect of the gardening process: preparing healthy soil; planting; managing pests; harvesting; composting; etc.  You are invited to come to a meeting on September 3 to find out how you can get involved.

Contributed by Dr. Jamin Rowan, Teaching Fellow in English
