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Beginning Wednesday, April 14th, the new 14-passenger solar shuttle will serve a new dedicated campus loop. The shuttle will run Monday through Friday, between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm on a continuous loop, with no service between 10:50 am and 11:20 am. The shuttle will loop around campus every 20 minutes (3x per hour).

The shuttle loop will extend out to Martin and Polo Residence Halls, Student Apartments at Lot R1; Lots W1 and W2, Main Bus stop; Gymnasium, Gulley Drive, Winston/Salem Halls, Scales Fine Arts Center, and Wait Chapel.

Wake Forest offers a very walkable campus core. For those students, faculty, and staff needing a lift from the outer edges of campus into the campus core, the shuttle offers an alternative to driving and parking. Our ultimate goal is to decrease the amount of vehicular traffic in and around the campus core, and to support a safe landscape for walking and bicycling.
