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Learn more about local food politics and action at ZSR and about the importance of water conservation in front of the Reynolda Fresh Food Company (the Pit).

Cobblestone Farmers Market (Formerly Krankie’s Farmers Market)*

When: 11:00am-1:00pm

Where: Meet the free shuttle in the library circle to go to the season opener of Cobblestone Farmers Market, located at the intersection of 3rd Street and Patterson Avenue downtown

The Cobblestone Farmers Market is an all-local, producers-only market that aims to bring fresh food, entertainment, and community connection into downtown Winston-Salem.

Vendors use healthy, sustainable, and humane practices. The Cobblestone Farmers Market is operated by Cultivate Piedmont, a program of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association ( The market is held every Tuesday from April 19-November 29.

Water Conservation

When: 11:00am-2:00pm

Where: in front of the Reynolda Fresh Food Company (the Pit)

Learn more about the importance of water conservation, the water conservation initiatives already in place at the university, and ways that you can make a difference in your home or residence hall.

Green Graduation Pledge

When: 12:00pm (following the Senior Meeting)

Where: Hearn Plaza

Following the mandatory meeting for seniors in Wait Chapel, graduating seniors may sign the “Green Graduation Pledge.”  By signing, seniors pledge to take into account the social and environmental consequences of any future endeavors and to work to improve the sustainability of the communities in which they work, live and play after graduation.

The first 200 graduating seniors to sign will receive reusable travel mugs with the pledge written on them!

Earth Day with ZSR

When: 3:00pm-5:00pm

Where: ZSR Library, Room 204

For this year’s Earth Day Celebration, a discussion panel made up of local farmers and food activists will talk about their involvement with local food action in Winston-Salem and the surrounding area. This panel discussion is co-sponsored by the Office of Sustainability, and is part of Wake Up to Food Week/13 Days of Celebrating the Earth.

Action: Conserve water: commit to taking 5-minute showers and/or turning off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving.
