Q.  I want to stay actively involved over the summer months – are there any volunteer opportunities on campus?
Gardening 2011
A. Fortunately, you don’t have to leave Wake Forest to get out and help out. With fewer students on campus over the summer, both the WFU Campus Garden and Campus Kitchen rely on the support of regular volunteers to keep operations in full swing. The campus garden needs help with planting, weeding, harvesting, and composting. The summer months are among the most bountiful, so the garden manager needs extra hands to keep up. Most of the produce grown in the garden is donated to Campus Kitchen, allowing them to prepare more dishes from scratch. Campus Kitchen needs volunteer support to pick up produce, and create and deliver nutritious meals to community agencies that are working to serve the needs of food insecure residents. To learn more about summer gardening hours, sign up for the campus garden listserv and “like” the Office of Sustainability Facebook pageSign up online to volunteer for Campus Kitchen shifts. Sign up for the Sustainability Weekly Update and the volunteer listserv to learn about Office of Sustainability, campus, and community volunteer opportunities as they arise.
