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Diners at the Fresh Food Company were treated to a taste of the local community on Tuesday, October 25, as Wake Forest Dining celebrated local farmers and suppliers.  Representatives from Henderson’s Best (Hendersonville, NC / apples and more), MicroGreen King (Boonville, NC / microgreens), and Milkco (Asheville / milk) set up displays in the Pit to provide information and samples to students, faculty, and staff.

Other featured local farms and producers included:

Apple Wedge Packers & Cider (Hendersonville, NC / apples)
Bagel Station (Winston-Salem / bagels)
Cangialosi Specialty (Greensboro / sausage)
Carolina Egg Companies (Red Oak, NC / eggs)
Cornucopia Cheese (Graham, NC / cheese)
Hickory Nut Gap Farm (Fairview, NC / meats)
Holy City Farms (Wadmalaw Island, SC / tomatoes)
Krankies Coffee (Winston-Salem / coffee)
Lively Orchards (Flat Rock, NC / apples)
Patterson Farm (China Grove, NC / tomatoes)
Sunny Creek Farm (Tryon, NC / bean sprouts, honey)
Tega Hills Farm (Fort Mill, SC / herbs)
Walter P. Rawl and Sons (Pelion, SC / collards)

Wake Forest Dining is committed to sustainability, with an increasing number of offerings from local farmers, growers, and distributors. Krankies Coffee and Bagel Station bagels, both Winston-Salem mainstays, are provided in the dining halls, and produce and meets from many different farms are used throughout the year, depending what is in season.

Local sourcing helps stimulate the local economy and rewards many smaller-scale growers for their hard work within the community. It also serves to reduce energy demands, as products do not need to be transported long distances. Finally, the close proximity allows produce and meats to arrive at Wake Forest quickly, leading to a fresher product with a longer shelf life.

Other sustainable initiatives by Wake Forest Dining include composting, waste and water reduction, fryer oil recycling, and organic sourcing of certain products.  For more information, visit Aramark’s website.

by Brian Cohen, Office of Sustainability Program Coordinator
