Starting on June 8, Wake Forest’s Landscape Services team began removing a Willow Oak in Parking Lot P, across from Farrell Hall. According to University Arborist Jim Mussetter, this Willow Oak has extensive root decay and has been in decline for many years. Previous efforts to aid the survival of the Willow Oak resulted in a 50 percent reduction of the tree’s canopy.

A new tree will not be replanted at this site. Instead, Landscape Services is considering a redesign to better accommodate foot traffic between Farrell Hall, Lot P, and Hearn Plaza.

A second declining Willow Oak in Lot P will also be removed in the month of June. Another Willow Oak will be planted in its place.

For an up-to-date list of campus tree removals, interested individuals can view a list of all campus tree removals and justifications.
