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Course registration for fall 2019 is less than one week away, deacs! Did you know that courses with sustainability learning outcomes are available in 29 out of 32 departments across campus? This fall, 35 courses with sustainability learning outcomes will be offered across the Undergraduate College, the School of Law, and various departmental graduate programs. If you’re passionate about the environment and sustainability but unsure how to incorporate it into your academic path, use the table below to help you find fascinating classes that will spark your passions.

A full list of courses for all University students can be found on WIN ( Any questions can be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Departments across campus offer many courses that stimulate and facilitate learning for sustainability each semester. Click here for the full inventory of courses.
Note that not all courses are offered every semester. Reference departmental websites to find out in which semester the courses are offered.

Department Course  Course Title



121 Environmental Design



105 Plants and People
113 Evolutionary & Ecological Biology
302 Topics in Biology (section A: Understand Climate Change)
330 Land & Natural Resource Management
340 Ecology



111 College Chemistry I
120 Physics & Chemistry of the Environment (cross-listed as PHY 120)
334 Chemical Analysis
341 Physical Chemistry I



150 Introduction to Economics
206 Intermediate Microeconomics II
241 Natural Resource Economics
258 Economics Growth & Development



654 Content Pedagogy: Science



150 Literature Interprets the World
Environmental Program (ENV) 201 Environmental Issues
203 Leadership for Sustainability
301 Topics in Environmental Studies
305 Topics in Environmental Studies (section A: Environmentalism, the Humanities, and Gender) (cross-listed as WGS 377)
Health and Exercise Science (HES) 100 Lifestyles & Health



112 Big History



292 Humanity and Nature



270 Introduction to Journalism



512 Environmental Law
Math and Statistics



112 Calculus / Analytical Geometry II



101 Introduction to Western Music



113 General Physics I
120 Physics & Chemistry of the Environment (cross-listed as CHM 120)



210 Topics in US Politics: Food Politics & Policy
282 Gandhi



266 Religious Sects and Cults
341 Religion and Ecology



151 Principles of Sociology
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies



377 Special Topics (section B: Environmentalism, the Humanities, and Gender) (cross-listed as ENV 305)



111 Writing Seminar (sections ZF, ZG: Weird Nature)
