Apply for a 2020 Internship or Assistantship

Are you a student interested in making a difference and gaining professional development experience? The following paid opportunities with the Office of Sustainability are available to all Wake Forest University undergraduate students. Please note the starting month for each position. Members of underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply.
To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information for two professional references to You may apply for multiple positions; please submit a separate application for each position. Applications must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 24, 2020. In your cover letter, please include the following:
- the position for which you are applying;
- relevant work and/or volunteer experience;
- relevant coursework;
- a brief description of why you want to pursue the position;
- skills you would bring to the internship or assistantship; and
- what you hope to gain from the experience.
Internships are project-based opportunities that offer professional development experience. Interns follow a project management framework to identify a problem and create a plan that will lead to a solution. The intern team meets weekly and offers feedback to one another.
Campus Garden
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through at least the Fall 2020 semester (excluding summer).
The team of Campus Garden Interns collaborates with the Campus Garden Manager, as well as faculty, staff, student, and community volunteers, to care for the Campus Garden on Polo Road. Tending this outdoor learning space includes, but is not limited to, digging garden beds, spreading compost and mulch, weeding, planting and harvesting seasonal produce, delivering produce to Campus Kitchen and composting food waste from Campus Kitchen. Interns will learn to communicate the fundamentals of sustainable organic agriculture and engage volunteers in conversations about the differences between conventional and sustainable agriculture. In addition, interns will coordinate special events at the Campus Garden and maintain a vibrant, engaging communications plan. The successful candidate will have demonstrated leadership experience in a collaborative team environment and a desire to work outside.
Clothing Waste Reduction
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through at least the Fall 2020 semester (excluding summer).
“Fast fashion” is an epidemic in much of the developed world. Much of today’s clothing is designed to be cheap without regard for the environment or the wellbeing of the workers producing it. The Clothing Waste Reduction Intern will tackle the issue of textile waste on campus and seek to empower students to repurpose old items and rebuy conscientiously. They will continue to explore options for clothing re-use on campus in the form of collection programs and either a permanent second-hand clothing “shop” or a series of pop-up events that are inclusive for and appealing to all members of the campus community.
Environmental Education
This position will start in August 2020 and continue through the Spring 2021 semester.
The Environmental Education Intern will connect student volunteers with the Piedmont Environmental Alliance (PEA) to teach their environmental education curriculum in local schools. The successful candidate for this position will be comfortable and confident training peers and teaching middle school students; flexible to work with the busy and changing schedules of teachers and non-profit employees; and dedicated to engaging with the Winston-Salem community in thoughtful and impactful ways. This will involve recruiting and training new student volunteers, conducting bi-weekly meetings with stakeholders from PEA, and teaching in local schools for at least 1-2 hours each week. Strong preference will be given to candidates who have already participated in the program.
Green Labs
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through the Spring 2021 semester (excluding summer).
The Green Labs Intern will focus on energy reduction and waste minimization in lab spaces in Salem Hall, Winston Hall, Olin Hall, and/or Wake Downtown. The intern will work closely with Facilities and Campus Services and lab managers to identify existing structural and behavioral initiatives in these spaces, assess their efficacy, and develop, create, and implement behavior change campaigns to maximize resource efficiency. Previous experience with Wake Forest lab space is preferred.
Assistants contribute to ongoing projects with the Office of Sustainability and work to fulfill already identified needs.
Athletics Fan Engagement
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through at least the Fall 2020 semester (excluding summer).
The Athletics Fan Engagement Intern will be responsible for developing, creating, and implementing sustainability-focused outreach activities at Wake Forest athletics events. Past examples have included carbon-neutral games with outreach on the carbon footprint of fans’ activities, recycling-focused basketball games with an on-court promotion and off-court outreach, and a field hockey game aimed at raising awareness of gender inequality. The Athletics Fan Engagement Intern will also be responsible for recruiting and training student volunteers (especially student-athletes) to assist with these efforts, and for coordinating logistics with Athletics Department staff. Requirements include a flexible schedule and strong communication, organization, and peer leadership skills.
Communications and Content Development
This position will start in August 2020.
Do you have a knack for crafting compelling narratives about the environment and sustainability? If so, apply for a Content Development Assistantship. Content Development Assistants will work with the Communications and Event Coordinator to develop content for the campus sustainability websites and social media outlets. The successful candidate will have an appetite for storytelling and some background in journalism and/or writing for a publication. Preference for candidates who have successfully completed or are currently enrolled in JOU270 or an equivalent course, have a proven ability to meet deadlines, and possess strong writing skills. Please submit one journalistic writing sample with your application materials. Your sample can be unpublished (e.g. story written for a class) or published (e.g. in the OGB).
Graphic Design
This position will start in August 2020.
The graphic design assistant will create designs for promotional event materials, outreach boards, and social media campaigns. The person in this position works closely with the Communications and Event Coordinator and the communications assistant team. An aesthetic eye and ability to work under deadline are critical to this role. Previous experience with Adobe Creative Suite and/or Canva is preferred. Please submit 1-2 of your own graphic designs with your application.
Plant-Forward Dining
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through at least the Fall 2020 semester (excluding summer).
The Plant-Forward Dining Assistant will be responsible for conducting outreach on the environmental and health benefits of prioritizing plant-based foods, focusing largely on first-year students. The successful candidate will develop, create, and implement new and existing outreach activities and help coordinate Plant-Forward Dining Committee meetings and initiatives. Requirements include a creative mind, excellent time management skills, and the demonstrated skills to empower other students. This position will work closely with both the Office of Sustainability and Deacon Dining.
First-Year Leadership
This position will start in August 2020.
The First-Year Leadership Assistant will work on a variety of initiatives with and for first-year students that focus on sustainable living, social norming, and leadership skills among South Campus residents. Responsibilities include assisting with all aspects of the first-year sustainability leadership group, managing the green dorm room challenge, mentoring first-year students on how to lead behavior change efforts, and conducting sustainability outreach targeting the newest class of Deacs. The successful candidate will be assertive and self-motivated and have previous peer leadership experience.
Tohi Garden Curator (Summer 2020)
This is a summer position running for either part or all of the summer, depending on availability.
The Tohi Garden Curator will collaborate with local horticulturalists and use existing records to identify native and invasive plant species in the Tohi Garden. The assistant will coordinate with the WFU Landscaping team to remove invasive plants and permanently label native species. Plant identification skills will be developed during the assistantship in collaboration with local experts. Requirements for the position include a desire to work outdoors, interest in cultivating landscapes for sustainability education, and strong collaboration and communication skills. Please indicate your summer availability in your cover letter.
This position will start in April 2020 (tentative) and continue through at least the Fall 2020 semester (excluding summer).
The Zero-Landfill Assistant will coordinate new and existing on-campus initiatives aimed at reducing the amount of waste Wake Forest sends to the landfill. The primary responsibility of the assistant will be managing zero-landfill events and coordinating the efforts of the Compost Crew. Event management may include meeting with stakeholders, organizing waste stations, and overseeing volunteers. Compost Crew coordination may include recruiting new students, filling volunteer slots, and conducting training. Requirements include a flexible schedule and strong organizational and peer leadership skills. This position will report to the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling and/or the Office of Sustainability.