Hunkering Down for the Winter

Planting Seeds with Sarah 11.15.2024
It’s hard to believe, but as we approach the end of the semester we are also approaching the end of our long growing season. Our final Connect and Cultivate hours of the semester will take place on Sunday (11/17) and our last scheduled classes are making their way to the garden to learn about climate solutions and southeastern ecosystems.
Thanks to unseasonably warm weather this fall, we still have green plants growing and producing food for Campus Kitchen, which means we have been working, learning, and growing together for 10 months! Throughout the growing season there have been challenges, like too much rain and then not enough rain. We’ve also had great accomplishments, like growing different varieties of okra and meeting new students in the garden.
As we start to hunker down for winter and take a break in the garden, I want to thank everyone who visited with a class to learn about climate solutions or who got their hands in the soil as a volunteer! We could not accomplish any of our goals without student, faculty, and staff volunteers and class visits.
We hope you’ll join us in 2025!
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