If you’re traveling for the holidays, try setting back your home thermostat to save money and energy this year.
Each year since 2008, Facilities & Campus Services has set back building temperatures to save energy during winter break when campus activities are limited and most buildings are not in use. In total, this annual program has saved the University over $1.11 million in avoided utility costs over 15 years. The Facilities & Campus Services Building Systems Automation team, led by Tim Mitchell, uses advanced building scheduling technology to perform these energy-efficient setbacks with the click of a button.

Facilities technicians will set the heating systems to gradually return the buildings to comfortable conditions by the time they are reoccupied. This year’s setback will take place Dec. 22 through Jan. 1 for most academic and administrative buildings. Setbacks for unoccupied areas of residential buildings on campus will begin on Dec. 18, after students have left for winter break, and end before students return to campus mid-January.