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Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Study

The Winston-Salem Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the City-County Planning Board (CCPB) of Forsyth County and Winston-Salem, in cooperation with Wake Forest University (WFU), conducted a Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit Study for the Wake Forest University area in Winston-Salem. This project aims to improve active transportation and transit choices between the WFU campus and surrounding neighborhoods through infrastructure and policy changes. The City and University formed a Stakeholder Advisory Group to guide this project with representation from the university, the community, and government entities.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure Study

This Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Study identifies current opportunities and constraints for walking and bicycling on the Reynolda Campus, and provides a prioritized set of recommendations for improvement. This project differs from a similar study (the 2014 Wake Forest University Area Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Study), which focused on connections between the campus and the surrounding areas. Instead, this study is focused on campus itself, and aims to improve conditions for walking and bicycling campus-wide.

Campus Tree Care Plan

The overall goal of this plan is to ensure a safe, attractive, healthy and sustainable campus forest. A major contributor to the success of this plan has been a program of public education about tree care issues and an annual spring celebration of North Carolina Arbor Day. By promoting thorough contemplation and conscientious action, this plan outlines the proper care of the university’s trees now to ensure optimal enjoyment and use of the university trees for generations to come.

Mobility Study

With a growing campus, proposed new campus buildings, and diminishing returns on expanded parking, this study provides guidance toward a strong balance across all modes of campus transportation options. As an extension of the 2015 WFU Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure Study, this planning process included a closer examination of transit connectivity, parking and vehicular circulation in addition to walking, bicycling, and shared use path circulation. From a combination of committee and stakeholder inputs, mapping analyses and evaluations of campus connectivity and previous planning efforts, a series of phased recommendations were developed.

Sustainability Strategic Plans

At Wake Forest, we take a strategic approach to our sustainability initiatives and trajectory.

The 2012 Sustainability Strategic Plan encompasses the strategic goals for sustainability performance at Wake Forest University for the three academic years that began in fall 2012 and ended in spring 2015. In each section, you can find our guiding principle for that topical area, a brief note about the history of that area on campus, an overview of what we were doing at the time, and a summary of strategic goals for those section.

The 2020 Sustainability Strategic Plan is comprised of two audacious goals to elevate the university’s sustainability efforts in key areas: climate action and education for sustainability. The first goal is to develop a comprehensive plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. The second goal is the create cross-curricular opportunities that introduce at least half of all students to disciplinary-specific sustainability content.

To see the summary of key outcomes from the first sustainability strategic plan, click here.

WFU Climate Action Plan Update

The 2024 Climate Action Plan Update outlines the university’s three-phased climate action plan, progress to date, and priorities for the future. The update spans 15 years of planning, execution, and measurement.