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Nurturing Natives

With numerous breathtaking views, Wake Forest University’s beauty goes beyond the brick and mortar that composes the bones of the campus – it’s also in the Magnolia trees that outline Manchester Plaza, the curry-colored Black-Eyed Susans in front of Alumni Hall, and the Oakleaf Hydrangeas […]

A new tree honors Tu B’Shevat

Wake Forest Hillel, the Office of Sustainability, and Landscaping Services partnered for a celebration of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees, on Friday, February 1st. Students and staff braced against the cold on the Benson Circle to plant a new willow oak […]

Rain garden solves erosion problem

This spring Landscaping Services staff implemented an innovative solution to an erosion problem caused by copper runoff from the roof of Winston Hall. Runoff from copper rain gutters and roofs, commonplace across North Carolina, can be a source of soil contamination. The idea is simple. […]

10 Days Celebration: Wednesday, April 25

Was your interest piqued by the Gasland screening? Celebrate Earth Day at Z. Smith Reynolds Library with further discussion of hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic Fracturing (“Fracking”) Panel When: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Where: Z. Smith Reynolds Library, 4th Floor Auditorium This year’s Earth Day panel will focus on […]

10 Days Celebration: Tuesday, April 24

Join Z. Smith Reynolds Library and the Office of Sustainability for a free screening of the film, Gasland. Explore the controversial world of hyrdrofracturing (fracking) for natural gas in preparation for the panel discussion on April 25. Gasland Screening When: 6:00 p.m. […]

10 Days Celebration: Friday, April 20

Join prominent university community members for an historic event honoring our campus trees. Years of hard work and dedication from Landscaping Services staff have resulted in national recognition for the university. Then grab a group of friends and sign-up to participate […]

Partnership celebrates trees

The Office of Sustainability, Landscaping Services and Wake Forest Hillel joined together to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year of Trees. On February 10, students and staff members gathered to plant a willow oak tree on a green patch […]

FAQ: Composting

Q. Is organic waste from campus composted? A. Yes and no. One hundred percent of campus yard waste, including lawn clippings and fallen tree limbs, is repurposed as mulch or organic soil amendments. In the fall of 2011, Wake Forest Dining Services performed a waste […]

Faces of Sustainability – Abby McNeal

“I just try to leave a place better than I found it – I try to make a difference,” Athletics Turf Manager, Abby McNeal said. In McNeal’s case, that means making the world a little greener, in more ways than […]

University hosts Arbor Day Celebration

As a part of the 13 Days of Celebrating the Earth,  Landscaping Services, the Office of Sustainability and Residence Life & Housing hosted the university’s first-ever Arbor Day Celebration at 4 p.m. April 15. Attendees gathered on this warm, bright afternoon in the newly renovated […]

Students clean-up campus during Spring Greek Work Day

Teams of students spread out across the wooded areas of campus on March 20, equipped with black gardening gloves, a knowledgeable landscaping services staff member and a goal: beautify the campus while reducing the risk of fire hazard. The more than 100 students who participated […]

Tree relocations save trees from destruction

With the help of some serious equipment, Landscaping Services staff members successfully removed 24 trees from the future site of the business school, Farrell Hall, and transplanted them at three locations: the new Welcome Center, South Hall, and North Campus Apartments. The various maples, oaks […]

Faces of Sustainability: Jim Coffey

Though his daily duties change with the seasons, one element remains constant for Director of Landscaping Services, Jim Coffey – he’s always busy. Coffey, who celebrates his 25th year with the university this year, has assembled a stellar team of landscaping gurus over the […]

Goats devour university’s kudzu invasion

Facilities and Campus Services recently turned to an unlikely source for its landscaping needs: goats. Though unusual in the Winston-Salem cityscape, these narrow-faced, cloven-footed animals were one of the earliest creatures domesticated and have been devouring leafy vegetation indiscriminately alongside their human counterparts for […]
