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Shiva at the Forest: In Review

I was introduced to the work of Vandana Shiva only a year ago.  It was a hot, spring day in New Orleans, Louisiana.  The Pro Humanitate Institute’s Shelley Sizemore and I were unwinding with other Wake Alternative Break participants after a day on an urban […]

The Importance of Eating Ugly Fruit

“Be skeptical and curious. Go beyond reading labels…really know your producer.” This final piece of advice from panelist April McGreger was just one response to the overarching question: if every dollar we spend is a vote for the world we want, how can we […]

Save the Dates, Fall Speaker Series

Save September 10, October 7, and November 4 on your calendar for our fall speaker series: Make Every Bite Count. The series includes a panel discussion about the importance of biodiversity to a resilient regional food supply, a documentary film about one family’s quest to understand GMO’s, and a […]

Fourth Annual Arbor Day Celebration

Students and staff circled around a vibrant Japanese Maple tree at Student Apartments on April 24th to celebrate Arbor Day. Landscaping Services, Residence Life and Housing, and the Office of Sustainability co-hosted the ceremony in conjunction with a Campus Beautification Day celebration that was […]

Sharing Perspectives across Disciplines

Eleven faculty members from across the disciplinary spectrum came together on May 13-14, 2014 for the 3rd annual Magnolias Curriculum Project. This year’s workshop was co-facilitated by communications professor Ron Von Burg, an alumnus of last year’s cohort, and Dedee DeLongpré Johnston, the university’s […]

Toxic Drift Discussion with Pete Daniel

As part of the History Department’s Engagement Series, we had the pleasure of meeting Wake Forest alumnus and distinguished historian, Pete Daniel. Dr. Daniel’s work covers a panoply of important cultural and historic issues from farming to civil rights and environmental degradation. During […]

Tu B’Shevat – A Blossoming Partnership

On January 23, Wake Forest Hillel, the Office of Sustainability, and Landscaping Services joined together for our third annual celebration of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees. Tu B’Shevat is not a Jewish high holiday, but at Wake Forest, it offers students, […]

Social Impact Career Workshop Series

Twenty-seven undergraduate students from diverse disciplines attended the first-ever Social Impact Career Workshop, co-sponsored by the Office of Personal & Career Development, Service & Social Action, My Journey, and the Office of Sustainability. Part one of a three-part series, the workshop received overwhelmingly positive feedback […]

Are You a Champion?

Have you or are you preparing to facilitate a change to a sustainable practice on campus? Have you implemented a new sustainability initiative in your area? If so, you might be a winner! This coming April, Wake Forest will host our inaugural Champions of […]

American Indian Insights on Creating a Sustainable Future

A diverse academic audience was prescribed a remedy for some of the defining environmental issues of the century when Winona LaDuke, American Indian political activist and founding co-director of Honor the Earth, spoke at Wake Forest in late September. LaDuke’s heritage and experience – founding […]

Green Roof Symposium at WFU

WFU was the host site for the Piedmont Triad Green Roof & Wall Market Development Symposium in mid-September. The conference, which was organized by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities in partnership with the Center for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (CEES), brought experts from around the state […]

2013 LENS @ Wake Forest

The Learn Experience Navigate Solve (LENS) @ Wake Forest program offered 38 rising high school juniors and seniors a three-week, hands-on opportunity to engage with peers around the 2013 theme “Sustainability – Operate locally and extend globally.” Students partnered with faculty and community leaders […]

Camp Snowball at WFU

In late July, over 240 students, educators, and administrators came to Wake Forest University to attend Camp Snowball, an annual summer “camp” that promotes systems thinking and education for sustainability. Camp Snowball, which is hosted annually in various locations around the country, chose Wake […]
