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The 10 Days of Celebrating the Earth were a big success. One hundred fifty people pledged to make a sustainable change during the 10 Days. There was an opportunity to learn about hydraulic fracturing, to shop for local food at the Reynolda Village Farmers Market and to honor our trees when the university received Tree Campus USA certification for the first time. Did you miss some of the days’ events? You can sample some highlights below and check out the photos in our flickr gallery.

We would like to thank all of our 10 Days partners for their collaboration on this series of events: Campus Recreation,  Landscaping Services, Residence Life & Housing, the Office of the Chaplain, ZSR Library, Dining Services, Volunteer Service Corps, Facilities and Campus Services, and the WFU Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. We’d also like to thank all of the students, faculty, staff and community members who came out to support sustainability on campus. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Campus Dining Intern, Emily Bachman, poses with some 10 Days pledges at the kick-off Think Green Thursday event on April 19.


Volunteers from diverse faith groups on campus volunteered in the Campus Garden as part of the Interfaith Week of Service, sponsored by Volunteer Service Corps.


From left: Student Government President Nilam Patel, University President Nathan O. Hatch, Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Services, Jim Alty and Interim Provost Mark Welker plant a tree at the 2nd annual Arbor Day Celebration on April 20.

