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Master Plan

The 2009 campus master plan reinforced the value of the forested areas and streams on the 345-acre Reynolda campus. The mature campus forest cover is important for maintaining healthy ecosystems and as flood control. Approximately 85 percent of plantings are native species in all new landscaping on campus. All plantings are within hardiness zone 7.

Like the 2009 master plan, the 2019 update focused on Academic Life, Student Life, and Athletics and Recreation and incorporated three additional focus areas: Sustainability and Infrastructure, Open Space and Landscape, and Mobility and Accessibility. You can view the update below.

Stormwater Management

As a result of campus stormwater management practices developed in the 1950’s, high volumes of untreated storm water have been released into the small tributaries that flow from campus. Downstream erosion, sedimentation, and poor water quality are among the side effects of these outdated practices.

The campus master plan calls for the creation of watershed-based stormwater management strategies and best management practices for campus development.

Tree Care Plan

Campus officials developed and adopted a Tree Care Plan in 2011 that outlines that policies and guidance for planting, maintaining, removing, and replacing trees. The plan educates the campus community, contractors, and consultants about the importance of the campus forest and the protection and maintenance of trees to minimize negative impacts to the tree canopy.

Conservation and maintenance commitments led to Wake Forest’s designation as a Tree Campus Higher Education (formerly Tree Campus USA) in 2012, for the 2011 year. Wake Forest has been recognized for 14 consecutive years.

Implementation of the Tree Care Plan is advised by a formal standing committee sponsored by the Executive Vice President / Chief Financial Officer. The Campus Tree Advisory Committee advises the university on proposed modifications to campus open space and landscaping; develops and maintains a list of satisfactory and desired species of trees; encourages the use of an appropriate variety of plants materials in new plantings; and makes recommendations on landscape renovations and maintenance. Interested individuals can view a list of all campus tree removals and justifications.

Wake Forest students walk across Hearn Plaza on a beautiful fall morning on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

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