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Wake Forest University has been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus Higher Education, formerly Tree Campus USA, for the 14th consecutive year.

Achieving this recognition reaffirms Wake Forest’s commitment to environmental stewardship, conservation, and thoughtful maintenance of our campus’ vast tree canopy. To be certified, campuses must meet the standards of the Arbor Day Foundation, including facilitating a Campus Tree Advisory Committee.

Wake Forest’s Campus Tree Advisory Committee meets regularly to evaluate all discretionary tree removals and make recommendations for the care of our campus trees in accordance with the WFU Campus Tree Care Plan

Outlined in the plan is the university’s commitment to maintaining at least a 1:1 tree planting ratio, ensuring that for every tree that must be removed on campus, a new one is planted. The plan also includes a commitment to evaluating wood from fallen trees for potential upcycling and reuse, protecting tree roots during construction, and a commitment to incorporating biodiverse and Native species where possible, among other guidelines for protection and preservation. 

You can be a part of our annual Tree Campus Higher Education certification when you attend Wake Forest’s 2025 Arbor Day Celebration. Join us from 3:00 – 5:00pm on Friday, April 25 for a ceremonial tree planting, service-learning event, and cookout to renew our campus tree commitment on National Arbor Day.

This annual event is open to all students, faculty, and staff, and is coordinated in partnership with Residence Life & Housing and the Facilities, Real Estate, & Planning Landscaping team.
