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2020 Sustainability Strategic Plan

Outlined in the 2020 Sustainability Strategic Plan are two overarching goals, supported by measurable objectives and tactics, that have propelled us forward in our sustainability endeavors at Wake Forest in the years following.

Goal #1

Develop a comprehensive action plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2040.

Goal #2

Create cross-curricular opportunities that introduce at least half of all students to disciplinary-specific sustainability content.

Climate Action

The university’s 2024 Climate Action Plan Update outlines the university’s three-phased climate action plan, progress to date, and priorities for the future. Visit this page to access the CAP Update and learn more.

Education for Sustainability

Our Campus Engaged Learning program and annual Magnolias Curriculum Workshop underpin our commitment to education for sustainability across the disciplines. Learn more about the engaged and experiential learning opportunities we facilitate.

2012 Sustainability Strategic Plan

The following five sections outline the goals and outcomes of the university’s first Sustainability Strategic Plan, released in 2012. These goals were generated collaboratively by stakeholders across campus and garnered the support of the offices responsible for leading the implementation. Though several tactical implementation targets were identified in conjunction with each goal, members of the Wake Forest community were encouraged to develop creative solutions to meeting the goals within their areas of influence.

The time period for implementing these goals was academic year 2012/13 to academic year 2014/15. The outcomes listed beneath each goal were generated in 2019 to evaluate progress and reiterate our commitments in the lead up to the second sustainability strategic planning process.

Built Environment, Energy & Water:

These initial 2012 goals established a starting point for efficiency in the built environment that Facilities and Campus Services has since far surpassed. Efficiency investments likes retrofits to lighting, upgrades to on-site utility generation, and the addition of solar thermal heating for domestic hot water are all part of an efficiency gain trajectory that resulted in energy savings and related greenhouse gas reductions of nearly 30% by the end of 2019.

2019 Update

Though our campus footprint has grown by 44% since 2007 to over 5.2 million gross square feet of built space, our energy intensity per square foot continues to steadily decline. With a 47% reduction in total carbon equivalents from operations since 2007, Wake Forest is on track with the Paris Climate Accord to achieve a 50% reduction by 2030. 

Dining & Food Systems

Complementing Wake Forest’s commitment to culinary excellence, the Eat with Purpose campaign is a hallmark of Deacon Dining. This framework promotes fueling one’s body with the macro and micro nutrients it needs to perform– placing an emphasis on an abundance of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, and plant proteins.

We started with great-tasting, high quality foods, moved into Eating with Purpose, and transitioned easily to serving less meat that is of a higher quality. A win-win-win. Our plant-forward dining committee has brought passionate students together to educate their peers on the benefits of a plant-forward diet

Teaching & Research


Waste Reduction & Recycling

To download a pdf of the university’s first sustainability strategic plan, click here.

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